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7 Ayurvedic Remedies for Nasal Polyps



Ayurvedic Remedies for Nasal Polyps

Here are the seven ayurvedic remedies for nasal polyps:

1. Tea tree oil

Use the essential of tea tree oil to reduce the itching and fight any kind of inflammation and save yourself from any infection as it also acts as an anti-microbial.

Dilute tea tree oil with a carrier oil (olive oil or sweet almond oil). Dip a clean cotton swab and then dab the solution in the nasal passage. You can also add essential oil to boiled water and then use it for inhalation.

2. Chamomile

Take chamomile essential oil and to it add some water. Now,dip a clean cotton swab in the solution and dab it into the nasal passage.

This solution can also be added to hot water for inhalation.

3. Turmeric

This natural healing culinary spice is well known for its anti-inflammatory benefits. It will help you in cleaning your airways and getting rid of the inflammation and irritation. However, there are no proven results that it will de-root your problem.

You can also take turmeric powder in your food it works as a wonderful coloring agent and has many anti-inflammatory properties that will soothe the symptoms of nasal polyps.

You can also prepare a hot turmeric tea with the help of turmeric.

Take 1 cup of boiling water and to it add 1-2 tablespoon of turmeric. To get a pleasant taste addone spoon of raw honey and then sip it slowly while it is still hot.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

Because it is an anti-microbial and anti-septic therefore it helps fight the infections and treat acute conditions. ACV has living nutrients inside it,and with the unique blend of vitamins enzymes and minerals, it works wonderfully on the human health. It helps in breaking the mucus, cleaning the lymph nodes, which in return allows for a better lymph circulation. The immune system response gets better with time.

ACV also has acetic acid in it and many other beneficial organic acids,and it binds itself to these toxins and after that helps the body the eliminating them more effectively.

5. Garlicand onions

Maintain healthy nasal passage with the help of onions and garlic. With the numerous amount of nutrients,it will act as powerful antioxidants and support the immune system and reduce the inflammation. FGarlic and onion both are rich in vitamin c, allicin, vitamin B6, selenium. It is an ingredient used since centuries to fight infections that with its anti-bacterial properties. Garlic is also rich in selenium which is a natural and rich detoxifying mineral. You can have them in a salad, eat garlic raw or make them a necessary ingredient in your food. You can also add garlic and onion to your soup and broth to make it healthier and taste better.

6. Diffuse different essential oils

Diffuse various essential oils like tea tree, peppermint, eucalyptus,and clove to make it an effective strategy for healing the nasal polyps. These oils, when used together, can help break the mucus and reduce the inflammatory responses.

To reduce and get relief from nasal congestion you need to diffuse eucalyptus, peppermint together and use it for inhalation.

7. Oranges

You must try taking foods and veggies rich in vitamin C. Oranges which are a great source of vitamin c help in boosting the immune system and help in defending your body from any kind of infections that could become the reason behind the respiratory illness. Make sure to include citrus fruits and oranges in your daily diet.

The remedies mentioned above are some of the best ayurvedic remedies for nasal polyps and these are totally harmless in every possible way.

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