Weight Loss
5 Tips On How You Can Maximize Your Fat Burn When Swimming
Swimmers and other enthusiasts swear by workouts involving swimming, claiming that these burn fat fast. Swimming is a full body exercise routine, delivering muscle tone, burning calories and increasing metabolism. It’s as good as, or better than, a full-fledged cardiovascular workout.
Common cardiovascular workouts are cycling and running. Why might swimming be better? For starters, it has very low impact on your joints. Studies show that swimmers who swim for recreational purposes have less body fat and smaller waistlines than those who don’t. Fibreglass pools, installed by many homeowners as lap pools, offer the added advantage of relaxation.
Low-Impact Fitness
Swimming is a low-impact way of exercising. Truth be told, swimming is a non-impact exercise. The ideal choice to tone your muscles every day, swimming doesn’t tire you out as fast as other cardiovascular exercises tend to. You can burn approximately 500 calories per hour by doing swimming laps. The same amount can’t be achieved by running, especially if you have to exert too much. Swimming in Fibreglass pools gives people the motivation to get right in and swim. It can encourage the most lethargic to get into an exercise regimen on a daily basis, experts say.
The objective of burning fat isn’t merely weight loss. By swimming, although weight loss will be a result, an overall healthy body composition is what people want. The proportion of fat and fat-free mass should be balanced. To ensure that most of the weight lost is fat, and not muscle mass or even bone mass, you shouldn’t think of severely cutting calories. Challenging the cardiovascular system and the muscles is a fat burning solution and swimming is the means to do this.
Aerobic Activity
Swimming is a pool exercise of the aerobic variety that people frequently pick if they have joint issues or dislike the thought of running. Swimming has zero impact and tones muscles as well as burns calories for losing fat. The key to benefits from swimming is to make your fat burning zone your focus and optimize your duration in the pool. There are significant pointers that can give you advantages while trying to burn fat in the pool. Five main ones are mentioned in the paragraphs that follow.
Purposeful Activity
It’s essential to swim with a purpose. Significant differences exist when you swim in the pool to take laps versus the time spent with friends in the pool. Fibreglass pools that are specifically lap pools can afford you the versatility of exercise and enjoyment, so it’s a good idea to invest in these. According to reports, a person weighing in at 155 pounds (70.31 kg) burns around 211 calories while swimming at leisure for an hour. The difference is significant, as you can likely tell.
Warm-ups are Vital
Before you undertake pool exercise or any other, warm-ups are of the essence. Simple light strength training exercises, or brisk walks, do the trick. During the initial 20 – 30 minutes of exercise, your body burns carbohydrates for fuel. This takes place before the actual fat burning starts. Be careful not to exert too much energy before diving into the pool. You need to simply get your heart rate going a bit more and working on your large muscle groups.
Empty Stomach
Make sure you swim on an empty stomach. You need to wait to exercise for at least two hours after you have consumed food. People choose to exercise first thing in the morning for this reason. Exercise before breakfast works up a nice appetite and you’re ready to meet your day with an invigorating workout that has built up fuel. If you swim after you eat, your goals won’t be met, as eating increases levels of insulin. This lowers the body’s metabolic fat reduction that turns fat into energy.
Fat Burning Zone
It is important that swimming is undertaken at the correct intensity, so you are swimming within the zone of burning fat. While doing any pool exercise, discovering your own intensity level and the fat burning zone for you is easy. First, find out your maximum heart rate. That is calculated as your age subtracted from 220. Your individual fat burning zone is 65 – 70% of this figure. For instance, the maximum heart rate of a 25-year old would be 220 – 25. In this case, the maximum heart rate would be 195. As a result, the individual’s fat burning zone would be 65 – 70% of this, which equals 125.75 approximately.
Walk the Talk and Ramp it Up
Owning a pool out of the many beautiful Fibreglass pools available is a matter of pride for many residents. Experts claim that your body burns more fat after you complete an hour of exercise. Even more is burned after three hours. For a novice, this may be a bit much to take in. Nonetheless, the rule of thumb is to gradually build up time and intensity. You can safely add 10 minutes to your swimming duration with each week of exercise. Overexerting is not good for anyone, so don’t get too enthusiastic. Going the extra mile too soon may compromise your safety in the water if you are too tired.
As far as intensity goes, you can scale this up slowly too. Work on interval training, burning more calories and increasing metabolic activity. Alternating between rapid intervals and very slow intervals of a workout that lasts from 15 to 25 minutes is a good pace. Lasting between 30 – 90 seconds, each interval that is slow must match the ones that are swift. About 85% of maximum effort should be used by you during fast intervals, slowing to 25% effort at the less quick pace.
Swimming is Great
Installing any of the many small swimming pools in your backyard saves time and effort, not to mention money, in the gym. Not only is swimming a great way to relax, but it affords you an exercise routine that gives results. As it is done against resistance (water), it poses a challenge to muscles. This, in turn, preserves muscle mass, and may increase it too. Swimming increases heart rate and you lose calories, keeping your weight in control.
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